

Professor d'anglès i cap d'estudis
Hola! Em dic James i sóc australià.

“If I had stayed in Australia I wouldn’t have become an English teacher”.

Yes that’s right, I was born and raised in Australia. However, don’t expect a strong Australian accent from me, it’s been a very long time since I left!

“I would be working as a theatre manager, if I were still in London”.

Desiring a change, I moved to the UK where I then lived for ten years. My last job was as a duty manager of a West End theatre. In that time I learnt how to speak a very polite English for dealing with customer complaints.

“If everything goes to plan, I will continue living in Vilafranca for many years to come”.

After London came Barcelona and after four years of living and working as an English teacher there, I decided a change of scenery was needed. I moved to Vilafranca del Penedes ten years ago, and I still love it here!

“If you understand these sentences, you know your four conditionals!”

Quin idioma vols aprendre?

Classes dinàmiques, mètodes innovadors, flexibilitat d'horaris i preus assequibles.